WEEKEND SUPPORTS - Community Access

Weekend Supports

The following activities are full day supports available on the weekend. Apply online via the Homepage.



Arts and Culture

Join us as we explore the world around us, and learn about the different people that live in our region; their stories, their culture, and our shared history. Because culture isn't locked away in a museum somewhere, it surrounds you every day.


Sorrento Sundays

Imagine a short drive to Queenscliff. Then a relaxing boat ride across the bay, with the salty smell of the ocean, the gentle waves, and the warm sun tickling your nose. And then, before we know it, we have arrived in beautiful Sorrento where the hardest decision we make all day is what to eat for lunch...


Mate's Rates

Our Mate's Rates activities are exactly what they sound like.

Because it's cheaper doing things in a group than going on your own, Community Access has negotiated significant discounts on theatre tickets, entrance fees, movie prices, meals, entertainment, and weekends away...


A Company of Men

Our men's group operates seven days per week, and is for males of all ages who want to share in group based activities and outings, while developing friendships with other males. These groups are predominantly age-based groups, meaning that the other guys on the group are of a similar age, so that you spend time with people you have something in common with.


Daylesford Days

The markets, the bookshops, the countryside, the coffee and cake, the interesting people, and the shops filled with things from a bygone era that you'll want to collect. Just like the memories you'll make on this full day activity to one of Australia's favourite country towns. Meet new people, make new friends, and have lots to talk about when you finally get home at the end of a long but enjoyable day.