Lorne Burgers - Community Access

Lorne Burgers

Once a week we head down to Lorne for a burger.

You don't have to have a burger if you prefer something else, but we like the way it sounds.

Mmmm, Lorne burgers. Yum.

While we're there we also visit the local places of interest, and sometimes we stop off along the way just to look at the view and appreciate life, and remind ourselves that you don't have to learn something new every day. Sometimes you just want to hang out with friends and grab a bite to eat.

We are always looking for new and interesting people to come with us.

Mmmm, Lorne burgers.

Sounds like fun.

Tastes even better.





A social and community activity for participants of the National Disability Insurance Scheme


PUSHPIN.JPGFor each trip to Lorne you need 8 group social and community hours on a weekday. Community Access does not charge for transport. Depending upon demand more than one group may be operating out of your local area at any one time. Please let us know which days you are available. There are no additional fees and charges for this activity, but you will need to purchase your own lunch and any beverages. Community Access vehicles are not modified to accommodate powered wheelchairs, but can take lightweight collapsible or folding chairs. Please let us know your personal requirements when you apply.